Tuesday, May 22, 2007

moonshine and love

I will tell you.
Many Years ago there was a young handsome Shepherd (who fed his flocks on a Mountain's Side) called Latmus - he was a very contemplative sort of a Person and lived solitary among the trees and Plains, little thinking - that such a beautiful Creature as the Moon was growing mad in Love with him - However so it was; and when he was asleep on the Grass, she used to come down from heaven and admire him excessively from a long time; and at last could not refrain from carrying him away in her arms to the top of that high Mountain Latmus while he was dreaming -

-john keats


Swarup said...

This one is good.

Moonshine makes me feel good :)

but the story seems incomplete :(

nice thoughts though ... n nice comments by Suzanna :)


dimaagee keedaa :) said...

i love moonshine too!

its one with me...

this is a whole story.... :)
stories of love never end.....

name one that does..

Surya said...

hey gud one...
hope she doesnt drop him for the top of the mountain :)

Surya said...

bad joke...

dimaagee keedaa :) said...


your name is excuse enough for your jokes on sacred moonlight....
